YEAR 2024-2025

Resolution. Call for the State Pact Against Gender Violence
2024-2025 Resolución convocatoria Pacto
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2024-2025 Plan for Equality between Women and Men
2024-2025 Plan de Igualdad. IES Fernando
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On February 11th we celebrated the Interantional Day of Women and Girls in Science to acknowledge the importance of gender equality in the science and technology fields. The date was established by the UN General Assembly in 2015 with the aim of encouraging women and girls to participate in science, a field in which they had little representation throughout history.

The initiative tries to raise awareness about the challenges that women face in science, such as gender discrimination and the breach in the access to opportunities, resources and financing. Also, it highlights the contribution of women to science throughout history and inspires new generations of women and girls to get into it, promoting de development of policies that favour inclusion.

February 11th commemorates a way of empowering future science women and reducing the obstacles that prevent them to fully participate in science.

November 29th 2024

Last November 22nd we celebrated two important dates at our school: November 25th, International Day of the Elimination of Violence Against Women and 1November 16th, Flamenco Day.

The event started with the performance of "La puerta violeta" by Rozalén, a song that makes us reflect on the pain caused by gender violence, but also about the strength and courage of those who try to break that suffering circle. 

"La puerta violeta" is a hymn for hope, which reminds us that there is always a way out, a safe refuge and a future where women can live without fear.

Next, we read a manifesto against gender violence, in which not only denounces, but also vindicates the problem and makes us aware of it through reflection.

Gender violence continues to devastate lives, physically and emotionally. Despite the progress, despite the constant struggle of organizations, institutions and brave people, the figures remain alarming. Every day, women continue to be victims of abuse, harassment, physical, psychological, sexual and economic violence. It is not an individual problem for each victim: it is a collective problem that affects us all, because gender violence dehumanizes us as a society.

In our manifesto, we express clearly and firmly that enough is enough: enough tolerance towards violence. Enough of silence. Enough of indifference. We commit to act, to not remain silent in the face of injustice and to demand a society where all people, regardless of their gender, can live free of violence. And we kept a minute of silence. That it is not just silence, but a moment of respect and memory for all the victims who have been taken from our lives by gender violence. And it is a minute of commitment, because, although silence unites us in pain, our actions and our voice are what can change the future.

Later on, we inaugurated our new Savaterian Street Plaques, an initiative with which we have assigned names to the hallways and stairs of our center. With this action, we seek to open a door to a space where peace and freedom reign, and where, upon entering each morning, we can all feel that we are entering a place where emotional security and mutual respect are always our priority. Our hallways, our classrooms and every corner must be a reflection of our relationships based on equality, respect and the peaceful resolution of conflicts. The new hallway and staircase names are not just labels, they are symbols of what we aspire to be as a community.

Then, we had some Flamenco dance shows, which, in this context, acquire a deep and special meaning. Flamenco, more than an artistic expression, is a cry of the soul, a language that connects directly with our deepest emotions. Flamenco, with its strength and beauty, allows us to transform pain into art, and through its movements, a whole world full of emotions is expressed, a mixture of struggle, hope and courage. In this context, dancing flamenco becomes an act of resistance, a way to recover our inner strength, to free ourselves from tension and to recover our self-esteem. Flamenco is not only a celebration of our culture, but a way to show our solidarity with those who need it most. Every tap, every turn, every movement is an affirmation of self-worth, the dignity of women and their strength.

Thanks to everyone who has made this event possible. To the students who with so much effort and dedication have prepared and offered their performances. To the teachers who have worked tirelessly to coordinate and guide this event. And, of course, to the entire educational community for their support, their presence and their commitment.

Together, we can build a better future.

Thanks to Pablo L. y Ángela for being hosts.

To Marce, Sara, Marcos, Ana del C., Ana, Belén y MaríaJosé for the music. 

To Luna, Paula A., Leticia, Aimara y Paula M. for the dance.

And to Toñi for the video edition.


YEAR 2023-2024

Resolution. Call for the State Pact Against Gender Violence
2023-2024 Resolución Convocatoria Pacto
Documento Adobe Acrobat 143.5 KB
2023-2024 Plan for Equality between Women and Men
2023-2024 Plan de Igualdad de mujeres y
Documento Adobe Acrobat 624.3 KB

May 18th 2024

Last Wednesady, 3º ESO and SENs students had a 

"Household Chores Workshop".

One dad and some mums from Parents' Association were with them showing how to do some household chores: make the bed🛏, do the laundry👕, sew a button , change nappies 👶, cook an omelette 🍳, lay the bed 🍽 ... A lot of tasks to help at home!  

(Omelettes were YUMMY, but in case some students have a baby at home, they'll need more practice 😂 ). 

Thanks to Parents' Association for their collaboration and Eva and Mari Paz for the organisationAnd thanks to Esperanza for her help.

March 22nd 2024

Our 1º ESO students went yesterday to Teatro Villamarta for the show "Va por ellas", performed by Las Mónicas.

And they learnt a little bit more about equality and the role of women -this time artists in history- in a ludic and funny way.

March 11th 2024

To celebrate March 8th we have had an entertaining and interesting conference-exhibition by teacher Noelia F., using famous 🎵 Broadway musical "SIX",🎵 which tells the life (or death 🙄 ?) of  Henry VIII's six (yeah, 6!!) wives.

In case you missed it, here it is:

February 19th 2024

Last February 11th we celebrated the 

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

On 22nd December 2015, the General Assembly of UN passed a resolution that justified the proclamation of this International Day and praised the initiatives carried out by different organisation to support women scientists and promote the access of women and girls to education, capacitation and research in science, technology, engineering and maths. 

In our school, our scientists have played the role of famous women in science and have performed their biography for 2º ESO students. 

Versión corta

Versión larga

November 27th 2023

November 25th is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. 

In 2022, there were 32.644 women suffering from violence in Spain, according to the Statistics National Institute, which states that violence rates increased 8,3% in just one year. And it's still rising: in the second term of 2023 figures went up to 5,66% with regards to the same period last year, according to a recent report by the Judiciary Observatory.

We read a manifesto and observed a minute's silence. We also gave out badges with this year logo (whose author got her prize) and some students took pictures in our photocall.

Thanks to all collaborators, especially the ones who made 850 badges

November 7th 2023

We have the winner logo for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women!



YEAR 2022-2023

We start a ney academic year with more excitement and new ideas to share with Savater people. We know that many of you participate in every activity and we would like, if possible, to meet the requests you made last year.

We start working along with Plans School: a Place for Peace y Healthy Youth to to cover as many aspects as possible.

Gender Equality Plan. Year 2022/2023
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March 9th 2023

March 8th

International Women's Day.

This date, established by the United Nations General Assembly to celebrate the worldwide fight for feminine equality, commemorates the date in which workers in the textile factory in New York protested for the first time in 1857, with the motto "Bread and Roses", to demand equal salaries with their masculine workmates.

However, the tragedy in Triangle Shirtwaist factory on March 25th in 1911, in which 123 awomen and 23 men sadly died, is also linked to this date, as the factory was specialized in making purple colour blouses, the colour that filled up the New York sky the day of the fire.  

To celebrate this day, we've decorated the main hall with posters and pictures, as a tribute to those women who fought (and still fight) for gender equality in every field.

We thank Isabel Mª, Raquel, Cristina, María, Esperanza, for telling us about their experience as women in different generations. And we especially thank Mercedes, who has been able to witness the positive changes for women in a life of 95 years. 

(Thanks to Toñi P. for the video edition) 

February 20th 2023

The exhibition "Letras de Mujeres"  was to be seen at the main hall.

(together with some activities releated to them)

4ºC Ethic Values students made these beautiful 🌹to celebrate Saint Valentine.

"A Tribute to Ours"

To celebrate February 11th: "Girls and Women in Science", last February 8th  we had Mª del Carmen Ortega, from the Local Equality and Diversity Service, who showed us different women from Jerez who made history but were barely named.

Besides, we could check how women's jobs in the new Agenda 22/23 (21st century) are linked to science, while the former Agenda 21/22 (20th century) were linked to Andalusian folklore. 

Last January 19th we had the conference Men for Equality, by Daniel Leal, from the Local Equality Service. Students in 3ºE made the most of it. 

November 25th 2022

November 19th

International Men's Day

International Men's Day has been celebrated on November 19th since 1992, with the aim of focusing on men's health, highlighting the contributions of men to society and promoting gender equality, tolerance and peace. Some organisations, such as World Health Organization, support this initiative, so that it is included in the international agenda.

For this reason, in 2003 the Movember Foundation launched the Movember movement (named after moustache and November), which consists of growing a moustache or using it as a brand image to raise awareness about testicles or prostate cancer, as well as to ensure the mental health of men since they present the highest suicide rates.

International Men's Day also seeks to promote six main objectives that were established in 2009 and that are linked to the Universal Children's Day, held on November 20th.

These objectives are: to promote positive and more normalized male role models, to recognize the contribution of men to society, to focus on male health, to show certain discriminations against men in some areas, to promote equality between men and women, and to create a safer world where full potential can be achieved.

(Translated by Antonio S.M. 4ºA and Fran R.P. 4ºB)