YEAR 2019/2020
April 3rd 2020
Thanks to MAKERS ANDALUCIA movement, we have received lots of material to make more Face Shields: filament, acetates y elastic.
April 2nd 2020
Latest news about SELECTIVIDAD EXAMS
April 2nd 2020
Today is the "World Autism Awareness Day"
And all of us can make our part so that people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders feel better. Follow these 5 steps!!
link to Step 1:
Link to Step 5:
April 1st 2020
Second Term marks can be seen in iPASEN
on Friday 3rd April.
iPASEN tutorial and AUTOLOGIN can be downloaded from this website . Should you have any doubt or problem with iPasen, you can contact us at
April 1st 2020
We are really proud of our teachers Dani, Fernando and Jesús, who have made over 180 face shields with 3D printers. These you can see below were donated to AFANAS charity.
March 26th 2020
Pre-university Exams (Selectividad-EBAU)
March 26th 2020
Admission Deadline
March 25th 2020
How are you doing?
These days, we are facing a new and shocking situation.
It's weird to wake up in the morning and knowing you can't get out of home; you can't go to your grandparents' or you can't buy those important things ("Mum, I really need it!") to slip away for a while; you can't hang out with your friends in the park or meet them for a videoconsole game...
Some of you may have parents who CAN'T STAY AT HOME: special people in charge of keeping everything working for us. We owe them!!
These days are quite difficult for everyone.
It would be an excellent idea if you shared how you feel, as we sometimes think we are the only worried ones (including students, families, teachers...)
You can email us and your comments will be published on a section of our web. (You can do it anonymously too).
Because we are also a Community for such things...
proposed by Counselling Department.
(For those moments in which we don't know what to do...)
March 23rd 2020
Following Instructions of March 13th by the Education and Sports Administration referred to the suspension of face-to-face teaching activity:
“In case the period of suspension coincides with the dates established by School to inform families and students about their academic results, the necessary means will be taken so as to send them such information“
As well as Junta de Andalucía communication on March 19th:
“Schools, within the limits of their autonomy, will be able to decide the dates for the Evaluation Sessions for the Second Term, as well as the moment and way to communicate results to families”.
IES "Fernando Savater" has decided that there will be Evaluation Sessions in this Second Term and result will be sent to families via iPASEN.
More than ever, we insist that report cards are merely INFORMATIVE
For the final evaluation, teachers will take into account all exams and work previous to Quarantine period and those activities carried out online.
Results will be available via iPASEN on Friday 3rd of April
You can download iPASEN and AUTOLOGIN tutorials in case you need any help. If you have any doubts with iPasen, you may contatc us at
(Please, state student's name and class)
March 19th 2020
Press Release about Pre-University Exams
postponement (EBAU-Selectividad)
March 15th 2020
Application Forms
(Students from CEIP "Blas Infante" and CEIP "Montealegre" are not required
to apply for admission, neither do students already attending our school)
As you know, the Admission procedure has been cancelled as long as the State of Alarm is activated.
Education Administration has enabled a new way of accessing through the Virtual Secretary platform, in which applicants will not need any Digital Certificate or PIN Key to apply for admission:
Here you can see a video explaining the process:
Thanks to Teacher Mallo from CEIP "A.R. Almodóvar" in Salteras (Seville)
March 15th 2020
And more recommendations sent by our Counsellors (for students, families and specifically for 2º Bachillerato students):
March 15th 2020
Pieces of advice sent to some students in 1º and 3º, but...
March 15th 2020
Urgent announcement about new measures
taken because of the coronavirus COVID-19
March 14th 2020
The state of emergency declared by the Government extends the confinement measures so as to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Waiting for further instructions, we communicate that
for the next fifteen days, a period that may be extended
depending on the health alert evolution.
Admission forms for next year (2020/2021) can be registered
electronically by means of the Virtual Secretary Web:
In case you are not able to do it, you can download the form, fill it in and once it is signed, you can send a scanned image, together with an ID copy (father / mother / tutor registering it) and a photocopy of the complete Family Book to this email address:
Please, do not forget to check all boxes are ticked correctly and all family memebers over 16 have signed the AEAT authorisation. You will be sent an email to confirm your application has been received.
We recommend all students and families to stay at home and to strictly follow the recommendations made by Health Authorities.
Closing schools is intended to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Relevant French women in History March 11th 2020
March 3rd 2020
Parents-Tutors meeting
4º ESO
Monday March 9th
at the Events Room
4ºA, 4ºB and 4ºC
4ºD, 4ºE and 4ºF
Please, don't forget to bring the Counselling Booklet.
You can also download it from this page below.
ADMISSION March 3rd 2020
February 27th 2020
With workshops, sports, exhibitions, performances, games...
and the "Polvorón Race"
Thanks to our School Community for their involvement and participation!
February 21st 2020
A very active week!!
Visit to CaixaForum in Seville. 3º A, B, E and F students
February 7th 2020
Because we all love being given some flowers...
Now... It's time!!
1 Carnation: 1 €
Until February 12th,
at the School's main hall and during break time
To be delivered on February 14th.
your classmate, your student, your teacher...
they are worth it!!!
January 19th - February 14th 2020
Organised by Spanish Department.
As you know, your letter may be dedicated to that person you love a lot... Or even to your pet!
Participation is also possible for 6th grade students from CEIP "Blas Infante" Primary School.
Click on the image for more information
Deadline: 14th February
January 23rd 2020
1st Bachillerato Science students visit to
The Pantheon of Distinguished Sailors
in San Fernando