YEAR 2024/2025
December 21st 2024
Our 1º ESO Religion students visited the Belenes Exhibition at St Domingo Claustros yesterday.
This tradition is rooted in the very history of the city. It's a fact that the habit of exhibiting nativity scenes at homes, especially at the nobles' palaces in the city dates back to the 17th Century, inheriting the tradition introduced from Naples by King Charles III. Belenism has been officially recognised as a Representative Manifestation of the Spanish Intangible Cultural Heritage, a type of expression seen as a cultural treasure which combines participative aspects while it's being assembled and associated techniques, and it is considered a Cultural Interest Asset in Andalusia.
November 26th 2024
This year 2024/2025, 4º ESO Latin students, directed by their teacher, Alejandro, take part in the project “Commercium Epistolarum”, whose main goal is for our students to make friends with other schools' students and keep a written interaction with them using Latin.
We believe it is a way to encourage the study of a language in an active and functional way. Besides, as a secondary aim, it promotes the written words as a means of communication and the format of letters seems the best for that.
95 schools from all over Spain participate in this project. This year, our school will be exchanging letters with IES Núñez de Arce, in Valladolid.
Our first postacrds went to Valladolid introducing our students, who shared some basic personal information to meet each other.
The letters exchange will go on until June, when the project will finish, at the end of the school year.
November 26th 2024
Yesterday, November 25th, 2ºBachillerato students Constitutional Cádiz.
A walk around the Cadiz buildings and monuments directly related to the First Spanish Constitution (la Pepa), which was declared on March 19th 1812 (but was valid for barely two years😒).
The Courts Museum and San Felipe Neri Oratory are two of the most representative landmarks, since they hosted the Courts that elaborated and passed the new laws for that Constitution.
On their walls, we can see some plaques that make reference to the promulgation of this Contsitution and, in the building next to the Oratory, there is a Centre for the Interpretation of the Constitution.
Later on, they visited the Cathedral, also in the city centre and beside the sea. Its domes and towers are visible from many parts of the city. You can enjoy a nice panoramic view of the city from the Clock Tower.
November 19th 2024
Last November 12th, our 3ºD students visited the quarries of Holcim cement factory.
They had a conference about sustainability, especially about the impact of mining on nature and the current projects to restore such spaces according to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) in the 2030 Agenda, as well as the features of the native species of the area. After that, they 🚶♀️🚶♂️🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♂️walked through the quarries and enjoyed an ecologic breakfast 🥛🧃🌭🍞🍎.
At the end of the visit, they had two guided activities: an escape room and a group activity about the main features of habitats and the impact on them.
November 14th 2024
Last Tuesday November 12th, 1º Bachillerato PE students went on a Hiking and Plogging activity (picking up waste) along the Canaleja Track and Las Aguilillas Park. By the end of the morning they had collected 230 kg of waste (165 kg on route and 65 Kg in the Park), which they put into the bins.
This hiking activity around the near surroundings, carried out by the PE Department, tries to make students aware of the importance of keeping our urban and natural spaces clean.
November 14th 2024
Last November 13th, 2º Bachillerato Science students took part in the Quifibiomat 2024, (Scientific Dissemination Conferences at Campus Universitario Científico Reina Mercedes, Seville University).
After a brief welcome at the Assembly Hall in the Maths College, they started a visit in which they knew the CRAI A. Ulloa (Centre of Learning and Investigation Resources), where one of the monitors talked about the library collection, the loan system, the process of booking study rooms, work rooms and ICT rooms.
Next, it was time to learn about electromagnetism, superconductors and infrared radiation at Physics College.
After a break, they later tried the campus cafeteria, getting a glimpse of uinversity life.
Next, again at the Assembly Hall, they had a conference about the uses of maths in real life, especially the applications of prime numbers and their factorization in cybersecurity and new technologies.
At the Biology College, our students were split into 4 groups to learn about human physiology, vegetables physiology, biochemistry and zoology in turns.
Finally,at the Chemistry College, they did some funny practice about acids and bases, liquid nitrogen, gold rain and precipitation, and they also had the privilege to watch one of the few real Periodic Tables in our country.
Our students behaviour, attention and interest was superb and from the Physics and Chemistry Department we would like to thank them for their participation in this activity. We hope it has helped them to find a vocation in a near future.
November 4th 2024
Here are the winners of the Halloween contest
organised by the English Department!
But all assignments were... terrifying!
October 28th 2024
1ºESO Biology and Geology students have been working on the atmosphere and the Greenhouse Effect .
This phenomenon means that some atmosphere gases, mainly carbon dioxide and water vapor, carbono y el vapor de agua, trap a great part of the heat that the Earth's surface sends back to space, making the average temperature rise up to 15 degree celsius. Besides, the increase of greenhouse effect gases due to pollution, mainly carbon dioxide, causes a greater barrier for heat, contributing to accelerate the Global Warming.
What do you do to stop this Climate Change?