YEAR 2023/2024
4 de Julio de 2024
¡Y finalizamos el curso también con teatro! Porque el último día lectivo el grupo de actores y actrices de 1ºA/B (de la asignatura de Oratoria y Debate) pusieron en escena la obra
La foto de los 10000 me gusta, del autor Nando López.
Enhorabuena a todos por esa estupenda representación 🎭. Y también a los profes Noelia y Plácido, a los que tampoco les asusta el público👏.
¡Aquí os dejamos una selección de las mejores escenas!
June 20th 2024
Organs dissection practices by 1ºZ for Applied Anatomy, a 1º Bachillerato subject.
All organs belong to pigs. Students have carried out practice protocols and have dissected lungs, brains, hearts, kidneys, eyes, tongues, intestines, stomahcs bones, trachea, larynx, spinal cord, etc.
This subject allows students to understand the complexity of real anatomic structures through a direct and practical experience, what enriches their comprehension beyond textbooks or images and helps them comprehend 3D anatomy, what is hard to achieve with bidimensional illustrations.
Besides, they develop practical and technical skills when handling laboratory materials, a very important aspect for their future studies, and, of course, we encourage their critical thinking and the ability to solve problems.
June 19th 2024
3º Primary school students from CEIP Blas Infante, have seen a performance at our school today 🎭called "The Happy Man's Shirt", based on a tale by León Tolstoy and performed as a
Shadow Play by some 3ºESO students coordinated by Jesús J.
They were very attentive people and they liked it a lot 👏👏👏 . Besides, at the end o the play, they expressed their opinions about the tale's moral.
June 19th 2024
The Technical Drawing Department proposed 1º Bachillerato students the restoration of a wine cellar, located near Puerta de Rota, between San Blas and Balderramas streets.
We asked students to draw the outcome plan and perspective. All students were devoted to the task but two groups brought unexpected proposals: Hugo, Samuel and Alejandro made a computer-based recreation of the restoration project that was worthy of an architecture study; Marina, David, Juan Manuel and Carlos brought a model of the cellar with a project to create housing and shops or artisan workshops in front of them.
This is the kind of little things why becoming a teacher is worth it. THANK YOU!
Luis Carrasquilla
🏆1º Bachillerato WINNERS
Here we have the Awards Ceremony and an Acrosport Exhibition
by 1ºESO students
3º ESO. Videos
1º Bachillerato. Videos
Thanks to Alberto, Jorge and Nayara for the pictures and videos.
And to all participants, collaborators and the jury, who had a tough job.
June 10th 2024
Last June 7th we celebrated the “World Swift Day”, an international initiative that draws the attention to these small insectivorous birds which are unknown to many.
At school we:
Also, to celebrate the World Environment Day (last June 5th) and to raise awareness of the importance of caring and protecting the environment, we are decorating our Main Hall with a mural which highlights the main natural spaces in our province.
May 18th 2024
At the zoo 🐒🦒🦓🦚🦜🦩 with 1º ESO!
and SEN students😊.
Last Thrusday and Friday, some 150 biped individuals 🚶🏼♂️🚶🏼♀️ from Savater visited the Zoo (also known as "Tempul" by the eldest 👩🏼🦳👨🏼🦳).
And, although some parents were really worried (or not really?) none of our students was left in a cage, or kept by the 🦛 jaws, as the Zoo animals are quite polite and welcoming 😃.
As an anecdote, a 🦜wanted to join the trip to visit and greet its relatives at the zoo. He wasn't registered at Savater, so he couldn't join the group. We know he was really sad 😢, but the fact was he didn't either have his owner's authorisation, so he had to come back home with her (we'll never know how she discovered him! 🤔).
We've seen that pets around our school are likely to be missing and
walk around without their owners' permission but... there were no lovebirds. Just a parrot!! 😄
Thanks to Lupe and Esperanza for the pictures.
May 8th 2024
Last Friday 3rd our students participated in the ROByCAD'24 competition, at the Engineering Faculty of Universidad de Cadiz.
The Technology Department organizes and takes part in this event every year since it was created 5 years ago (except during the pandemic 😥) and more than 500 students from all over the province participate.
This year 38 technosavaterians from 1° ESO, 3° ESO and 1° Bachillerato attended the event, and they were working and training during breaks (and some evenings 😉) at school to enjoy this day.
Our students participated in every trail (robots fight, races, mazes, free programming and 3D design), apart from exhibiting a project in ESO and a different one in Bachillerato, which will be brought to our school for us to enjoy.
This year, we won First Prize in Programming and Third Prize in Maze 👏👏👏.
However, the biggest prize for everyone was the way down and
the satisfaction for a good work.
May 8th 2024
An exhibition by 3ºB and 3ºC students,
based on the descriptions of The Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino.
The book is a collection of fantastic cities descriptions which are told by traveller Marco Polo to the Mongol Emperor Kublai Khan.
The descriptions are similar to short tales with themes as desire, death or symbols, among others. Throughout the work, we can find different types of cities, each one corresponding to a different theme in its description:
Each tale starts mentioning a category in which the city fits and assigns a number. There are five cities for each categories, namely:
May 4th 2024
1ºESO students had some fun last Tuesday and Thursday (Wednesday was a bank holiday😉) at Bodega del Skate🛹.
They had some skate y skateboard classes and it was a real sport experience for many of them, apart from a motivating one!
May 4th 2024
Yesterday, 1º ESO students went to a Writing Workshop, in which they practised different types of writing: Roman CAPITAL LETTERS and Italics, Greek alphabet, Old Egypt hieroglyphics...
For that, they used quills made from canes to write on paper, burins to engrave clay tablets and they also checked how a text was composed in a printing press (made by 3ºE students 👏👏👏).
They also learnt about the importance of Gutenberg's Printing Press and the tranformation it brought to the dissemination of knowledge in Europe. The masterpiece of Gutenberg's first printing press in Maguncia was the 42-line Bible, so called because of the number of lines distributed in two columns that made up the 1286 pages of this work, printed in two volumes and in folios. Gutenberg wanted to know that with his printing press it was possible to produce such beautiful books in the same way that the best manuscripts of the period but faster (200 identical copies, but he only made 180). It took 3 years to print it, and it is bellieved that four presses were working at the same time for it.
Thanks to 1º Bach (Latin and Greek students) and 3º E for their collaboration. To Lola R. and friends for the video 😉.
And to Rita, MariPaz and Eva for the organisation
April 29th 2024
To celebrate the
📗World Book Day📕,
4º ESO Biology and Geology students have made a bibliographic comic about Charles Darwin's life, who first posed the idea of biological evolution through natural selection, and developed this idea in his book "The Origin of Species"
April 25th 2024
Banned Books, Censored Books
An activity with 1º Bachillerato to commemorate the World Book Day.
An exhibition about books which were censored and banned in different countries and periods so as to raise awareness about free press and thought and the democratic values such as dialogue and tolerance.
Made for the Philosohpy subect (in English).
April 24th 2024
For you to be aware of your sugar intake
here you are an exhibition by
1º ESO students
April 22nd 2024
A representation of the Asidonia-Jerez Diocese organised last Thursday, April 18th, a pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Ntra. Señora del Rocío for 1º Bachillerato students (Religion) coming from several schools in the province.
All students started the pilgrimage towards the sanctuary, where the meeting took place and they gave some offerings to the Virgen del Rocío on behalf of each school.
Later on, students visited the Museum, walked along the village and shared a nice afternoon with other students (claps 👏👏 and sevillanas dancing💃 were present)
El Rocío village belongs to the Huelva municipality of Almonte, in the region of El Condado.
The legend says that in the 15th century, the huntsman Gregorio Medina, from Villamanrique, found the image of Virgen del Rocío in the hole of an old olive tree, in a place called La Rocina, in Almonte.
The original image of the Virgin (dating from the end of the 13th century) awoke a deep feeling of collective identity, establishing a strong bond between image, community and the miracle place. This connection is highlighted with the title of «Our», as a way to differ from other places' dedications to Virgin Mary.
Between 1635 and 1658 there was a rise in the cut and devotion for the Virgen de las Rocinas, what ended up in a proclamation of the Virgin as the patron saint of Almonte and a slight change in her name.
From the very beginning, devotion to the Virgin (under the name of del Rocío) spread among the surrounding villages and cities, as the sanctuary is in a crossroads that joined Almonte, Niebla, Moguer, Sanlúcar de Barrameda and Seville. This devotion kept on spreading to other places such as el Condado, la Campiña, la Sierra, la Costa and el Aljarafe.
In 1919 the Virgen del Rocío was canonically crowned and in 2023 the Pilgrimage of Nuestra Señora del Rocío was declared a Cultural Asset.
Thanks to Juanma for the pictures and Luna for the videos.
April 19th 2024
This week, our students have participated in the
XII Science in the Street FAIR
Our school stall has shown three interesting projects to all people visiting the Fair:
🚿💧 🚽 🦠🧫🎬🧟🎞️
If you want to know more, click on:
April 12th 2024
I'm completely exposed with this 👕🤦♀️🤦♂️!!!
Even in 3D!
Some very artistic models created by Biology & Geology students from 3º ESO.
We don't know if we're like that inside, but....
everything is possible!
An exhibition of 3ºESO students:
their creations explained the functions of our inner organs.
April 10th 2024
2ºESO is still quite active!!
They enjoyed a day among🐒 branches yesterday, moving around trees 🌳🍃🌲 with zip lines, rope bridges, vines...
We are sure many of them felt like !
April 10th 2024
The cell is the functional and structural unit of all living beings. Because of its importance, to better know its components and their functions, 1ºA and 1ºB students have made these models in Biology & Geology subject.
Good work!
Aptril 4th 2024
2ºB, 2ºC, 3ºC and 3ºD Gardening Subject students visited La Casa de los Colores yesterday, participating in environmental activities.
Casa de los Colores is an Experimental Cattle and Agricultural Centre belonging to Diputación de Cádiz. There, our students have taken part in some workshops: bugs 🐌🐛🐝🐞, essential oils 🧴, cattle 🐂🐄 and planting from cuttings 🌿🌱.
They have had such a great time and, besides, have made a leather bracelet, have planted a rosemary pot and have prepared an aromatic bath salts bag.
3º ESO. Vídeos