YEAR 2022/2023
3º ESO Winner
3º ESO. Videos
1º Bachillerato Winner
1º Bachillerato. Videos
May 19th 2023
Cooking Workshop, with our SENs students, included in the Impulsa Programme of the Andalusian Government.
As you can see in the pictures, ability and attitude were always present 👩🍳👨🍳🥣🥕🧅🥄👏.
(Translated by Samuel M., Jesús M., Lucía R., Ana L, Carlota S. y Alicia R., 4ºB)
May 19th 2023
May 15th 2023
1º Bachillerato Greek and Latin students have collected some curiosities about Latin and sherry in a booklet.
And they are really interesting!
(Translated by Marta G. and Marco F. 4ºB)
May 6th 2023
Our 4ºESO students have enjoyed 3 days in Cazorla as real adventurers.
When they arrived, after a really hot bus journey, nothing better than a little bit of kayaking 🚣♀️ (including some time to swim 🏊♂️). Once they were recovered after dinner, (plus birthday party 🎂, as they are quite thoughtful) and a good restful sleep, next day they went cllimbing 🧗♀️, walked through a hanging forest and also did archery 🎯🏹!.
To finish, before going back home, they went hiking 🥾 along Borosa River, through an old fishing path with astonishing landscapes, until the Elias
sharp meander, one of the most beautiful parts of this route.
Sadly, they couldn't finish the whole path (it's 21 Kms 😥) as they had to catch the bus 🚌 back home 😭.
Thanks to Lupe, Estefanía and Nayara for the pictures.
(Translated by Pablo B., Victoria L., Claudia G., Pablo S., and Rocío S., 4ºA)
May 3rd 2023
Our 4ºB and 4ºD Science students visited the ROA (Royal Observatory of the Navy) yesterday
The Royal Institute and Observatory of the Navy is a scientific centre for research and cultural dissemination belonging to the Spanish Navy and located in San Fernando (Cádiz). It serves as an astronomic and geophysical observatory; furthermore, it is a research centre for the scientists of the Spanish War Navy. It is considered as the oldest scientific centre in modern Spain and one of the most important in the world.
It was built at the end of the 18th century, on the Torre Alta hill, with barely 30 metres above the sea level, but still the highest point in San Fernando. This fact favours the astronomic observation which nowadays is badly affected by an extreme light pollution that is present in the city and surroundings.
The building constitutes a good example of Neoclassical architecture. The facade, based on the Greek and Latin architecture ideals, stands out thanks to its order and clarity. It was projected by the Marquis of Ureña, with a cross-shaped floor imitating Oxford Observatory. The building is divided into three rooms, each of them having a different function: Astronomy, Geophysics and Time. It's worth mentioning its library, which fills up most of the building surface and counts on a good heritage of incunabule books and manuscripts: more than 30,000 volumes, including Newton's Principia. It is recognised as one of the most important scientific libraries in the country.
Out of the hemispherical dome which tops the building, there's another smaller metallic and rotatory dome, which allows the astronomic observation of any point in the sky.
(Translated by Ángela C., Andrea G., Marcos J., Miguel Á.G., Andrea P. y Sara S., 4ºB)
May 2nd 2023
🥇🥇🥇🥈🥉 this is the result of our athletes in the
XXXIV Inter-schools Athletics Meeting
held last April 28th at Chapin Municipal Stadium.
Congratulations to our champions!
(Translated by Paula P. and Luna T. 4ºB)
May 2nd 2023
A good breakfast 🥛🥞to start the day full of 💪!
And if it's made by or SENs cooks, far better. That¡s what they did last Friday 28th of April at IES "Álvar Núñez", sharing their experience with students there.
And in the end... Let's try those cooking wonders!
(Translated by Samuel M., Jesús M., Lucía R., Ana L, Carlota S. y Alicia R., 4ºB)
April 27th 2023
Yesterday, our 1º ESO students were hiking 🚶♀️🚶♂️🎒🥾 across "Plains of Rabel".
Nature, exercising and a very hot day 🥵🌡🌞.
But they had a great time for sure... and a great surprise🦊!
Knowing a little bit more:
The Plains of Rabel is a natural area located within the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park, in the provinces of Cádiz and Málaga. Its name comes from the sound of the "rabel", a small musical instrument introduced to the Iberian Peninsula by the Arabs. The term comes from the arab word rabáb, meaning a "traditional string instrument, similar to the lute, which is played with a bow and used to accompany singers of ballads and couplets".
Its sharp sound is linked to the pastoral tradition and has been preserved thanks to transhumance.
However, there's also a legend that tells that by the time this land was a border territory, inhabited by Arabs and Christians, there was a Christian family that had a beautiful daughter, with light skin and dark hair. Near the Viña del Moro, there was also an Arab family with a son of the same age. The Arab guy, aware of the Christian girl's beauty, usually went secretly to the surroundings of the Plains of Rabel, where the Christian family lived. As he was in love, every night the boy went with a "rabel" under the girl's window, played nice melodies and sang love songs.
Thus, every night, behind the windows, there was a candle and soon they started to talk each other. They realised they were in love, but it would also be quite difficult to be together as they belonged to different worlds.
Eventually, as expected, the girl's father realised what was happening there so one night the candle would not be lit. In spite of that, the young boy still went on going every night to play and sing, but the candle light was never seen again.
And you, what story do you like most??
26 de Abril de 2023
April 26th 2023
A workshop in which students have learnt about the importance of Gutemberg's printing and its contribution to spread knowledge throughout Europe. Gutemberg's first printing masterpiece in Maguncia was the 42 lines Bible, called so because of the number of lines in two columns contained in its 1,286 nice pages, printed in two books. Gutenberg wanted to show that his invention was able to elaborate such a great and perfect book, but making 200 identical copies. It took him three years to print them and four prinitings working at the same time.
Besides, 1º Y students have taught 1º ESO students different issues related to the alphabet: who invented it, why all existing alphabets in Europe derive from the Greek one, its contribution to expand knowledge, which ceased to be the heritage of the elite...
They also showed different writing styles in Rome: capital and italics, using their own essays as samples. Younger students practised Greek writing, using quills made with canes, prepared by the Religion Department and paper imitating papyrus made by the Arts Department.
They could see a wax tablet, like the ones used by Roman children at school for writing and that way students would keep in touch with the world of books in Ancient Greece and Rome.
April 21st 2023
Last Wednesday 3º ESO
and SENs students had a
"Household Chores Workshop".
Mums and dads from the Parents Association were with them, showing how to do different chores (making a bed🛏, doing the laundry👕, the ironing, sewing🧷🧵, dressing a baby👶, cooking...) so that everyone helps at home. (The omelettes🍳 were YUMMY!!)
Thanks to the Parents' Association for their cooperation
April 21st 2023
At the zoo 🐒🦒🦓🦚🦜🦩 with 1º ESO
And SENs students😉!
They went on 2 different days: April 18th and 19th.
Our students
Zoo animals
April 17th 2023
Last April 11th, some students from 4ºA, 4ºE, 1ºY and 2ºY went to the XXV European Young Greek and Latin Theatre Festival in the Roman Theatre of Italica.
The theatre cannot be visited, as it is only opened for this festival. It was built in Augustus' time and rebuilt in 2014.
They saw the tragedy Ayax, by Sofocles, performed by “Balbo” theatre group, from El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz).
Later, they toured Italica archaelogical site and in the evening they took part in a workshop about writing in different surfaces (papyrus, stone…), and different types of letters: capital and italics. They also made a clay tablet (which they kept as a souvenir).
Finally, they were shown a Roman villa.
Italica was the first Roman city founded in Hispania and also outside of Italian territory.
At the end of the Second Punic War in Hispania, Scipio Africanus settled his wounded soldiers in a pre-existing Turdetan city -whose original name is unknown-, in the upper area of Aljarafe, on the west river bank of Baetis river, located halfway between the cities of Hispalis (Seville) and Ilipa (Alcalá del Río), and surely a port.
Probably, the legal status of the city, right after its foundation, was as a Latin colony. It was possibly during Julius Caesar's last stay in Hispania, 45 BC, when Italica got the legal status of municipium civium Romanorum, surely as a reward for their support against General Pompey in the Civil War.
The city was in all its splendour at the end of the 1st century and the second century, during the reigns of Trajan and Hadrian, both born in Italica, what would definitely reinforce the undoubted prestige that the ancient Hispanic colony already had in Rome. Both emperors, who clearly owed their access to the throne to the big Hispanic lobby inside the Roman Senate since the times of Nero and Claudius, were particularly generous with their native city, making it bigger and with a renewed economy. Hadrian made it a colony after the inhabitants had applied for it. The emperor, besides, embellished it with outstanding public buildings.
Thanks to AMPA for their collaboration