
Year 2024/2025

According to ORDER April 27th 2005, establishing the Programme of Free Textbooks for ESO, students will be given the corresponding set of textboks, according to each level in the beginning of the school year (Article 3).  

In case Articles 4 and 5 are not accomplished, the aforementioned Order states that the student refuses the Programme of Free Textbooks.

1º ESO. Textbooks. Year 2024/2025
2024-2025 Libros de texto 1ºESO.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 123.9 KB
2º ESO. Textbooks. Year 2024/2025
2024-2025 Libros de texto 2ºESO.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 160.3 KB
3º ESO. Textbooks. Year 2024/2025
2024-2025 Libros de texto 3ºESO.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 116.0 KB
4º ESO. Textbooks. Year 2024/2025
2024-2025 Libros de texto 4ºESO.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 129.2 KB
1º Bachillerato. Textbooks. Year 2024/2025
2024-2025 Libros de texto 1ºBachillerato
Documento Adobe Acrobat 197.1 KB
2º Bachillerato. Textbooks. Year 2024/2025
2024-2025 Libros de texto 2ºBachillerato
Documento Adobe Acrobat 193.9 KB

ORDER of April 27th 2005, establishing the Programme of Free Textbooks for ESO students in schools which get public funds.

Article 3. Textbooks Loan Programme.

1. Students who are target for this Programme should get access to free schools textbooks, in a loan basis, during the compulsory school years.

2. Textbooks will be owned by Educational Authorities and, once the school year is over, will remain at the school where students were taught so that they can be reused in the future. 


Artículo 4. Materials use and preservation.

1. Students who benefit from this Programme are compelled to a good and careful use of all material ans should give it back once the school year is over or when they leave school by any reason.

2. Any misuse or malicious damage, as well as textbooks loss, will mean that the legal representatives of students will have to replace such material, according to this same Order.

3. Schools will include in the School Plan the rules for the correct use and preservation of textbooks and other curricular materials provided, as well as the sanctions corresponding to any loss or misuse, according to the legislation about rights and obligations of students and coexistence rules...


Artículo 5. Beneficiaries obligations.


c) To use textbooks  properly and carefully, giving them back to school when the School Council determines, once the academic year is over or students leave school by any reason.

d) To replace materials in case of loss or misuse in a malicious way.


ORDER of April 27th 2005, establishing the Programme of Free Textbooks for ESO
ORDER of April 27th 2005, establishing the Programme of Free Textbooks for ESO students in schools which get public funds.
Orden 27-4-2005 Gratuidad libros.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 327.6 KB