Students will promote if they pass all subjects or fail only one or two subjects or when their teachers consider that failing some subjects will not prevent them from being successful in the following school year, they consider they have good expectations towards promotion and such promotion will be helpful.
Two main criteria will be taken into account when it comes to make a decision regarding the degree of acquisition of competences and the promotion, in case the students fail three or more subjects:
a) A positive evolution in all assessed activities which were proposed.
b) An active participation (involvement, attention, effort) in failed subjects throughout the whole year, once teachers have applied measures for the attention to diversity and the individual differences of students.
The decision about students' promotion will be made by the teachers involved or, when required, by the Counselling Department. If there is no agreement, decision will be made after reaching two thirds of the total amount of teachers involved.
Those students who promote with pending subjects will follow a reinforcement programme that can be elaborated individually for each subject or can be integrated in a single programme, if the teaching team decides that and the School Plan allows it. The Teaching Team will regularly check the individualized measures proposed, at least at the end of each term and always at the end of the school year. In case the student follows an integrated programme, all subjects must be clearly identified.
These programmes must include the necessary curriculum elements to be assessed. Results will be taken into account when it comes to decide about promotion and completion.
The present school year teachers will be in charge of checking and assessing the programme. In case there is no continuity in the subject, heads of Department will assume responsibility or a person chosen for that. In case there is a single integrated programme, the tutor will be in charge or a member of the Counselling Department will be in charge in case students belong to the Curricular Diversification Programme, according to the School Plan.
Students with pending subjects should register for those subjects, follow the reinforcement programmes and succeed in the evaluation. Once the evaluation is overcome, results will be included in the Evaluation Document and in the student's school record.
Repeating a level will be considered an exceptional measure and will be applied once other ordinary measures for reinforcement have been implemented. In any case, students will be able to repeat a level only once and repeat twice throughout compulsory education.
Exceptionally, a student will be able to repeat 4º ESO again over the limitations if the Teaching Team considers this measure favours the acquisition of key competences established for that level. The age limit included in art. 2.2 of Decree102/2023, May 9th will be extended.
The teaching team, advised by the Counselling department, heard by the father, mother or persons with legal guardianship of the students, may adopt the decision that the schooling of SEN students may be extended for one more year, provided that this favours the development of the established competences and the achievement of the objectives of the stage.
The schooling of students with high intellectual abilities will be made more flexible in accordance with current regulations, so that the beginning of the schooling of the stage can be anticipated by one academic year or the duration of the stage can be reduced, when this measure is considered the most suitable for their personal and social development.
The student who, at the end of the ESO stage, has acquired, in the opinion of the teaching team, the key competencies established in the Exit Profile and achieved the Objectives of the stage will obtain the title of Graduate in ESO.
Decisions on obtaining the degree will be adopted collectively by the teaching team, with the advice, where appropriate, of the guidance department. In the event that there is no consensus, decisions will be made by a qualified majority of two-thirds of the members of the teaching team. To guide the decision-making of the teaching teams in relation to the degree of acquisition of the key competencies established in the Exit Profile and the achievement of the Objectives of the stage, the following criteria will be taken into consideration jointly: a) The positive evolution of the students in all the proposed evaluation activities. b) That after the application of measures to address diversity and individual differences during the course, the students have actively participated with involvement, attention and effort in the subjects not passed. The ESO Graduate degree will be unique and will be issued without qualification. who, once the 4th ESO evaluation process has completed, have not obtained the title and have exceeded the age limits established in art. 2.2 of Decree 102/2023, also taking into account the exceptional extension of permanence in the stage provided for SEN students, they may do so in the following two years, through tests or extraordinary personalized activities.
Extraordinary personalised tests or activities.
Students who, once the evaluation process of the 4th year of ESO has been completed, have not obtained the title and have exceeded the age limits established in art. 15.5 of Decree 102/2023, may obtain it in the following two years by means of extraordinary personalised tests or activities in the subjects or areas that they have not passed.
The tests will be based on resitting plans that will be drawn up by the corresponding teaching coordination departments. These plans will consider the curricular elements of each subject, taking into special consideration their evaluation criteria, as well as the activities and objective tests proposed to pass the subject. The timetable of actions to be taken into account by the students will be determined.
People who meet the requirements must apply to the centre where they have studied 4th year to take part in this procedure, filling in the form established for this purpose. Registration must be made during the last ten calendar days of June of each year.
The centres will inform any interested parties on their own initiative and on an individual basis. The tests, organised by the didactic departments, in coordination with the head of studies, will be held during the first five days of September.
Once the applications have been resolved, those admitted may collect the resitting plan from the Centre secretary's office.
All information relating to this procedure will be posted on the notice boards and websites of the respective centres sufficiently in advance.
Minutes will be taken of the assessment session. This session will be attended by the teaching staff responsible for the assessment of the subjects pending and the Headmaster.
Those who promote to 2nd year without having passed all the 1st year subjects will follow the learning reinforcement programmes that contain resitting activities and evaluation tests of the pending subjects established by the corresponding teaching department. These programmes must contain the necessary curricular elements so that they can be evaluated. Results will be taken into account for the purposes of promotion and qualification. The application and evaluation of the programs for those subjects not passed that have continuity will be carried out by a member of the teaching team who belongs to the didactic coordination department of the subject. The application and evaluation of the program for those subjects that do not have continuity will be carried out, preferably, by a member of the teaching team who belongs to the didactic coordination department of the subject. If necessary, they may be carried out by a member of the corresponding department under the coordination of its leadership. Students with pending 1st year subjects must register in such subjects, carry out the learning reinforcement programs that contain the resitting activities and pass the corresponding evaluation. Once this evaluation has been passed, the results obtained will be included in the corresponding evaluation report, in the student's file and in the academic history of the student.
Without exceeding the maximum period of stay of four years to overcome Bachillerato in the ordinary regime, students may repeat each of the levels once, although exceptionally they may repeat one of the levels a second time, subject to a favorable report from the teaching team. Students who at the end of the 2nd year had a negative evaluation in some subjects may register in them without having to take the subjects he/she passed again or opt to repeat the entire course. The schooling of students with high intellectual abilities will be made more flexible in accordance with current regulations, so that their incorporation into the stage can be anticipated or its duration reduced.
To obtain the Bachillerato title, a positive evaluation in all subjects of both levels will be necessary. Exceptionally, the teaching team may decide to grant the title to students who have passed all subjects except one, provided that all of the following conditions are also met:
a) That the teaching team considers that the students have achieved the Objectives and competences linked to that title.
b) That there has not been a continuous and unjustified absence on the part of the students in the subject.
c) That the students have taken the tests and carried out the activities necessary for their evaluation, including those of the extraordinary call.
d) That the arithmetic mean of the marks obtained in all subjects of the stage is equal to more than than five. In this case, for the purposes of calculating the final grade for the stage, the numerical grade obtained in the subject not passed will be considered.
Decisions on obtaining the degree will be adopted collectively by the teaching team, with the advice, where appropriate, of the Counsaelling department. If there is no agreement, decisions will be made by a qualified majority of two-thirds of the members of the teaching team.
The Bachillerato Title will be unique and will be issued stating the modality or modalities taken and the average grade obtained in each of them, which will be found by calculating the arithmetic average of the grades of all the subjects taken linked to the modality by the which is issued rounded to the nearest hundredth. For the purposes of this calculation, the core and optional subjects will be taken into account, as well as the specific subjects of the modality for which the degree is issued and, where appropriate, the subject of Religion or attention through transversal values education projects. The normalized average grade, rounded to the nearest hundredth, will be understood as the average grade of the subjects taken, excluding Religion. Likewise, the qualification of attention through transversal Values Education Projects will be excluded for those students who have not chosen to take Religion.